7 Signs You Know It's Time to Donate Your Car

7 Signs You Know It's Time to Donate Your Car

If your car has become more trouble than it's worth, it might be time to consider donating your car. By donating your old car, you are not only directly helping people with your charitable act, but you are also ridding yourself of a headache. While you might be tempted to try and sell the car instead, oftentimes, this is simply not feasible. With car donations, you can get rid of your vehicle while simultaneously making a difference in the lives of others. Donating your car also qualifies you for a sizeable tax write-off. If you think it may be time to donate your car, these seven signs will help confirm that you're making the right call.

  1. Constant oil or fluids leaking
  2. If your car springs a leak every time you turn around, it might be time to donate it. Cars can leak oil, coolant, and other fluids. These leaks can be tricky to find and expensive to repair. Car donation programs will gladly accept a car with leaks, meaning you can get the problem off your hands quickly while also making a huge impact.

  3. Frequent tire wear and tear
  4. Are your tires wearing out, or do you notice you are buying new tires more often than you should? This can signal an issue with your vehicle's alignment and weight distribution, and depending on the problem, it could be expensive to repair. You should only need new tires roughly every six years, so if your car is eating up the tires, it's probably time to donate it.

  5. Your car has high mileage
  6. Has your car been around the block more than a couple of times? Are you watching the miles creep up on the odometer? If your car has a lot of miles, then selling it may be an impossible task. However, car donation programs will happily accept a car no matter how many miles you've put on it.

  7. You're ready for a change
  8. Are you just tired of your car? Maybe it's gotten old, it doesn't run like it used to, or you're simply ready for something new. Whatever the reason, you can generously gift your car and get something that suits you better. You don't want to be stuck paying two insurance premiums when you get your new ride, so donate your old car and move on with your new one!

  9. The car needs expensive repairs
  10. Sometimes, the cost of repairing a vehicle can outweigh the cost of the car itself. If you find yourself in this position, a donation is truly your best option. It's nearly impossible to sell a car with a laundry list of needed repairs. Therefore, unless you want to eat the cost of those, you should consider donating. Your gift will also be tax-deductible!

  11. Rattling, shaking, and other strange sounds
  12. Is percussive maintenance not cutting it anymore? Do you have to crank your music up to ignore the sounds coming from your engine? These are indicators that it's probably time to donate the car. A simple knocking noise might cost thousands of dollars to address, and you can only ignore it for so long before encountering serious issues. Donate your car instead and change someone's life for the better.

  13. The engine is having issues
  14. Is your engine overheating, performing poorly, or having other problems? Engine repair is one of the most difficult and expensive repairs cars may require. Spare yourself the hassle and money by donating your car. You will eliminate the problem while making a difference in the world.

If you're experiencing any of the seven signs above, then you might want to donate your car. There are many places you can donate your old or unused car, and this is just one way to make a significant impact on your local community. Organizations like Charitable Adult Rides and Services have a list of verified nonprofits and charities to which you can donate.

No matter if the vehicle needs a few repairs or a full-body service, car donation programs will happily accept your gift. If your car needs extensive repairs, selling it will likely cost you thousands of dollars. By donating your car, you are making a difference in the world around you, and you will receive a tax-deductible write-off that you can claim next time tax season rolls around.